Since 1991
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The United African Alliance Community Center (UAACC) was formed in 1991 with the expressed purpose of sharing and disseminating knowledge in areas relevant to the promotion of creative, productive and wholesome lifestyles giving a strong sense of empowerment to the youth both in village and urban settings in Tanzania while strengthening opportunities for positive global community ties among people of diverse cultures around the world.
We invite you to become a part of our UAACC family and assist in supporting our many community empowerment programs like the
In addition, we have Daily Classes in several subjects for youth in our community and surrounding areas including, Carpentry, Computer studies, Arts/ Crafts, Music/Music Production, Tailoring and Beadwork, Sports/Yoga, Life Skills and Leadership Training and more!

Some of the 2nd generation of Leaders of Tomorrow Children
community service program started in 2008!
The Leaders of Tomorrow Children's Home was created in 2008 to help improve the lives of disadvantaged children within the community. We do not use the term orphans as they are our family, and we are their family. We have 28 children and we provide housing, education, healthcare, and a loving extended family environment. We put a great emphasis on learning and in addition to attending school the children have private tutoring on a daily basis. We include exciting and fun field trips designed to broaden the children's perspectives and allow them to appreciate the grandeur of their country and the world! We are very serious when we say ”Leaders of Tomorrow" and it is our hope and aim to help these young people develop to the point where national leadership roles are within the realm of their possibilities!

Mama Mwajabu Sadiki, Director of
Leaders of Tomorrow Children's Home
Pete O'Neal, founder of the program with some of the 1st generation of Leaders of Tomorrow who are now in secondary school!
The new year 2022 is a season of growth and elevation. Many changes are taking place at UAACC including updates on this website.
We are devising an easier, more efficient way for our many supporters to contribute to our work!
Your donations are very important to the continued growth of our community outreach programs and projects and are very much appreciated!
Please stay tuned while we take the time to rebuild this site!

We invite you too, to become a part of this continuing elevation of our work and legacy through your own donations!

We are determined to continue providing programs and projects for the enrichment of the Arusha community especially in Meru District, by improving the lives of children and youth from disadvantaged homes and for those who for various reasons have not been able to continue their formal public education. We believe that learning to create and build and invent is just as important as 'book learning'. We promote unity in diversity and solidarity in the global community!
Amediwe, a very talented boy in our village, needed surgery to improve his breathing. Mzee Pete saw a need and was determined to make it happen and he did!